Do Not Eat The Pudding! Such was the message sent out by "Herff " Marshall Applewhite to his Heaven's Gate followers when it looked like the space ship on the Hale -Bopp comet was a bit behind schedule. We all must adjust our schedules from time to time, don't you say?
Recently there has been a flurry of "developments" in regards to "UFO Disclosure". Perhaps "developments" is a bit of a misnomer, since the jury is still out on just what it is that has "developed".
From down here, way down "below", so far it looks like much ado about nothing. But perhaps something will "develop" to convince us otherwise.
A he-said-he said soap opera is currently in play. Some say it is the first real step in.....well, ever? actual "disclosure" which will eventually shake us to our very roots and change our paradigms.
Others say it is further obfuscations from those who have used the field for purposes of national interests in the furtherance of counterintelligence or "collections".
Those involved in attempting to separate the wheat from the chaff, including this humble blogger have been asking some impertinent question in order to arrive at the "truth".
After all, as a wise philosopher once pointed out to me, no one likes to buy a pig in a poke.
For our questions, we have received a series of attacks and even threats and have been warned to "toe the line".
I vaguely remember something our former president, George Herbert Walker Bush said, after American blood and treasure had been expended in Gulf War I. It had something to do with entering a new world order and about "dictatorships will not stand".
That, put together with our rich American history of unprecedented freedoms gave this blogger the impression that we lived in a place and in a time where freedoms of speech, and dissent, were not only part of our heritage but something that we should continue to fight for and even to aspire to greater heights. Apparently, there are those who do not agree. Thus, the beginning of this blog.
It is hoped, that if machinations come about which attempt to silence this blogger, as has been threatened, that this blog will continue to be available for purposes of "screaming into the wilderness" or, perhaps appropo' , as one character (the President) in the movie "Independence Day" said: We will not go quietly into the night!
More later.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
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