""Viral memes, anyone? He had already sent an email to that effect, but wanted me to underline his request. He must have gotten an earful.""
Finally, something resembling a truth.
Consider this: We are to believe that many years ago, some say 60 years, others say it goes back earlier, our government made contact with extraterrestrial intelligence(s). Subsequent to this contact an information clampdown was instituted and has been practiced to this day. However, some persons in government have argued, and continue to argue, for disclosure.
In this modern day we are told by some that disclosure is right around the corner, if not imminent. The method for disclosure? Well, some "insiders" are pointing to an obscure philosopher/metaphysicist, who claims he is the next messiah, and some equally obscure internet UFO forums as key protagonists of this tragedy play.
Rumors as to how we got to where we are abound. The Bilderberger group is supposed to be the secret world government. Other organizations such as Majestic-12 have been mentioned as running this show. Brilliant minds and top government officials, at the highest levels, have been mentioned as being involved. Even the Vatican is frequently mentioned as being complicit.
They've had years to plan. Perhaps even decades, since from the very beginning some of the brilliant minds must have known that secrets can't be kept forever. And yet, after all of these years and all of these exalted individuals working on the problem this is the what they've come up with: A highly placed intelligence official, in cooperation with another ex-intelligence agency employee and respected scientist, feeding information to a philosopher with designs on the messianic post, who then in turn feeds this information to a couple of internet UFO forums. This, we are being asked to believe, is the true vehicle for disclosure. This is the best plan they could come up with. Really??
But consider this as well: For years the field of Ufology has been used by the intelligence community to gather information about potential adversaries as well as for disseminating information to confuse our enemies or hide black programs this country is working on.
As the advent of the internet has expanded into almost all aspects of our lives, a new phenomenon has been identified: viral memes. From Wikipedia: "the biologist Richard Dawkins, refers to a "unit of cultural information" which can propagate from one mind to another in a manner analogous to genes (i.e., the units of genetic information). "The idea of memes has proved a successful meme in its own right, gaining a degree of penetration into popular culture which relatively few modern scientific theories achieve." "For example, while one idea may become extinct, other ideas will survive, spread, and mutate — for better or for worse — through modification" "Meme-theorists contend that memes most beneficial to their hosts will not necessarily survive; rather, those memes which replicate the most effectively spread best; which allows for the possibility that successful memes might prove detrimental to their hosts.""
Ok. So, we have a highly placed intelligence officer, an ex-three-letter-agency highly placed scientist (some say not necessarily "ex") and a metaphysicist with messianic aspirations. They are graciously feeding us information through a couple of internet UFO forums.
This can be either the result of many years of careful planning regarding disclosure (sorry, it's the best plan we could come up with), or it's a carefully crafted intelligence/information game the purposes of which we can only guess at.
Viral memes anyone?
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